Engaging in Life Together

Engage is the College and Young Adult Ministry (age 18-30) of HOPE Church in Grand Forks, ND. Our focus is building disciples who are doing life together on mission for Jesus Christ.

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We gather together as an entire group on Sunday nights at HOPE Church in the school year to eat, connect, worship and grow in our faith.

5:00pm - Worship service

6:00pm - Free Home-Cooked Meal


Tuesday nights, Engage College and Young Professional Adults meet at 6:30pm in the Youth Center for a meal, and separate fellowship at 7pm.

Engage College fellowship: Youth Center

Engage Young Professionals fellowship: Connection Center


Authentic Community - We are a genuine, loving community, where people truly want to invite you into their lives. People care about you in this ministry!

Life Groups - these are groups where you can grow in your faith and do life with people who love Jesus!

Sunday Meals - Every week after our 5pm service, Engage hosts a free meal for college students and young adults—come hang out, eat good food, and connect with others!

Sunday Worship - We have services at 9:00, 10:30, and 5:00pm. Around 60–80 college students and young adults usually attend the 5pm service—it’s a great place to get connected!

A heart for serving and missions - We have a Service Team that works on various service projects in the community. We went on our first Engage led mission trip in Summer 2022.

A community that welcomes you - We are a safe place for young adults to come & ask questions. Regardless of whether you are a follower of Jesus or not, you are welcome here.

Connection to a local church- We are a ministry of HOPE Church, which is a gospel preaching, bible believing church that is a big part of the the community in Grand Forks. There are many opportunities to serve and get connected with people of all ages.


The #1 way we do life together is through our life groups. These are small groups of people committed to going deeper with Jesus, with each other and with their community.

We offer multiple groups that meet at multiple times. If you are interested in being a part of a life group or want more information, contact Landon Beck at lbeck@gfhope.org.


During the summertime, Young Professionals holds large group gatherings every Tuesday night at 7pm. It is a chance to hang out, have some fun, and dig into God’s word and the sermons at HOPE. All are welcome! Please check our GroupMe account for the location each week. GroupMe QR code at bottom of page!

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In the summer of 2022 we participated in our first Engage led mission trip to the Dominican Republic with The Crossover Cups Mission. It was an amazing opportunity to go and serve the Lord. We will continue to explore other opportunities where we can serve Christ both in our region and around the world.


The best way to get connected and stay up-to-date on all that we are doing is to become part of our Engage GroupMe. Please contact Landon Beck at lbeck@gfhope.org to be added.

Instagram: @EngageHopeChurch

Facebook: EngageHopeChurch

Email: lbeck@gfhope.org