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HOPEconnect is on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the Connection Center. This is for all adults to come and learn about relevant topics and grow relationships with others. Childcare is provided.
Here’s what’s coming up:
Classroom 4
New 6-Week Study Starting March 26
Explore the books of 1 & 2 Peter in a Bible study led by Bob Ford.
Connection Center
March 26: Testimony Night – Hear powerful stories from Nate Haider, Jessica Ford, Connie Bachmeier, and Mike & Rochelle Nustad.
April 2: Pastor Hot Seat – Come with your questions and enjoy an honest, open Q&A with our pastors!
Connect With Us
Tell us a little bit about yourself and submit your comments by filling out the form below! If this is your first time experiencing HOPE, we’d love to reach out to follow up and get to know you!